Keaton Grogan
Throughout generations, Escalon and Hughson have had a rivalry since anyone can remember. Every year students, teachers and family members come together to watch the Escalon and Hughson game because the rivalry is so big. Natalie Moring, vice principal at Hughson High School and past teacher at Escalon, states on behalf of the rivalry that even her grandparents had remembrance of the rivalry when they graduated in the 40s.
For as long as many can remember there has always been some kind of rivalry between the towns of Escalon and Hughson. Mrs.Moring said, “Even when I went to high school here there was a huge rivalry. I graduated in the 90’s and we had a rivalry”. Intense feelings were caused between the towns through their rivalry
There have been traditions of stealing from each other, making posters for the others to see as they come into town, and even calling radio stations to smack-talk about the other. Mrs.Moring mentioned, “I was in leadership and we would call the radio stations and we would like, I guess we would like talk smack to each other”
Last year was the first time in many years that Hughson Varsity football won against Escalon. The game was exciting and many people came out to watch hoping they would finally break Escalon’s yearly winning streak.