We all remember when we eagerly awaited Halloween. For the goodies and free candy from the kindness of strangers to just a love of the scary. We all have fond memories of Halloween, hopefully. However, as you grow older, it just begins to not be as exciting anymore. And why is that?
I have a few possible guesses on why Halloween loses popularity when you get older. First to the plate is of course, just age itself. When you get older, many things are viewed as childish. The thought of dressing up to be silly and just to get candy becomes ridiculous. Not to mention the stares and scolding from adults that really think because they are older they are better than you. Much of that wards away those who don’t like judgment from a holiday.
Another is just how childish the holiday seems. Dressing up is something reserved for silly things right? Why would you want to do a holiday that makes you look like you are trying to be a child? Reasoning like that also plagues the masses in reasoning for why not dress up for Halloween.
Maybe one more reason is just people and their lack of desire for Candy. At some point of your life, you can afford your own snacks, so it makes sense why adults don’t really care much for a handout holiday. But of course, in the end, the reason is different from person to person. Always enjoy Halloween if you want to.