An intimidating part of graduating High School is signing up for college after high school. Once more, it’s something new required to advance your life, yet there is little indication of what to do towards it. Recently we had a Pack Time meeting for the application process, and I thought it would be a good idea to share it for the people who either didn’t attend, or weren’t there to attend.
First off, you need a CCCApply account. To create a helpful and functional account, do not use your school email address. It won’t be around once you graduate, so for it to be of any use, you need to use a more permanent account.
Second, on MJC’s website(, follow the path starting at “Apply Now” ending at the large button of the same name. Sign into CCCApply, then press the “Start a new application” button.
Apply for the term “MJC 2024 Summer and Fall Term”. It isn’t required to attend the summer, but you can as needed. Add whatever goal you wish for your education, your major, and your intended program, though try to keep an eye for Financial Aid Eligibility. This can cut or reduce the cost of the course by a lot.
Next is more personal details. Answer if you ever had a past name before your current one (EG changing your legal name from Bob to Rob or Eve to Evee). If you plan to take Financial Aid, put your SSID, though if you can’t access or want a second opinion from your parents, do not submit until you know if you wish to add this, else ignore it.
Enter the info of your parent/guardian’s names and relationship to you, along with mailing Address. Be sure to inform the website that you are going to college for the first time since leaving High School, and answer that you got your Diploma, as you will once April 30th, 2024(Your graduation date) passes. Inform the site that you attend High School and where/it’s name, and add your total unweighted GPA off Aeries. Once all that is done, review and submit!
That should be about it. If you need any more information, your guidance counselor is more than happy to help you out! Schedule your time to meet with them and work with them!