A curiosity of Finals Week is the benefits and the people who will mysteriously leave after giving the teacher a strange slip of paper. Those are Finals Passes. I feel like it’s good to inform everybody on what exactly is a Finals Pass.
A Finals Pass is sort of like a perk system for congratulating those with good grades and high GPAs. Depending on how high your grades are, you get anywhere from 0-3 total passes. These however aren’t guaranteed “get out of jail free” cards however.First of all, in order to use them the teacher must be accepting them. Second, you must meet the requirements of the teacher. This usually boils down to a certain grade in their class, if they even have one. And in some cases, the teacher doesn’t even skip the final. Sometimes teachers take the passes in exchange for perks like reducing the lowest test score to not exist in the gradebook, or bonus extra credit points for your grade in its lowest/a fixed category.
The best way to use it depends from person to person. If you have grade issues in a class that takes passes in exchange for grade based benefits, you can make use of them. Or, if a class happens to be particularly annoying, you can outright skip it with these passes if the teacher allows you to. You still gotta attend the class for attendance, but after that you can visit Reader Hall to watch a movie, or be quiet to not disrupt those who are taking the test. If it’s your last period, some students even have somebody check them out to let them go home early.