There are so many great benefits to AP Classes, for example they can actually help you get started on your college life. These classes are usually assigned to be challenging and give you an idea or intuition of what college level work is like. So by taking AP classes, students will be more prepared for college.
Some greater benefits are the chance of earning college credits. For example, students that do really well on AP exams can receive college credits at the end of the year for some matching courses and can sometimes skip some foundational classes, letting them proceed more rapidly into coursework for their major. You can save money and time by skipping beginning classes because it can decrease the amount of time it takes to complete a degree. It might also allow you to take more courses so that you can advance more quickly into graduating. Finally, by taking AP classes you can make your college applications be more excellent. The college admissions officers are the ones responsible for analyzing college applications and what they would like to see in your application is that you challenged yourself and you took time to complete other courses. So taking AP classes not only helps you intellectually, but it can help you get into the college you really want to go to.