Students from HHS received the opportunity to vote who they wanted to represent for their Associated Student Body Class. Estefania Gutierrez, a freshman at Hughson High School, got voted in as the Freshman Class Vice President.
When talking about what inspired Gutierrez to be a part of Hughson’s student leadership, she stated, “I was in Ross Middle School leadership and it was really fun so I decided to ‘jump the gun’ and go to High School because it is obviously bigger and there’s a lot more things to do.”
When regarding pros and cons to being the Freshman Class Vice President, Gutierrez said, “Pros are I made a lot of new friends in the leadership class, I know a lot more people, I do a lot of activities and the only cons is that it is a lot of responsibility we have a lot of things to keep up with and a lot of things to do.”
When discussing activities and projects that Gutierrez is currently working on to represent her class, she commented, “Right now we are working on hoopscoming for the nominees which involves the freshman class and there is also something for Valentines Day which is for everyone.”
When talking about events that will occur this year, Gutierrez stated, “Hoopscoming is coming up and then we have an activity for Valentines Day and I believe there is a spring rally we are going to have.”
All in all leadership classes in high school show you a variety of different life skills like being a team player and having independence. It also gives you valuable communication and leadership skills. Don’t skip on choosing leadership as one of your electives next year!