With Freshman year coming to an end, many freshmen shared their hardest battles of the school year and some of their tips to get through the year easier. As a high schooler there are many ups and downs of every school year but as a freshman it’s a little different. Having to find the balance between school work and sports and just getting into the groove of being a high school student is a bit of a different experience than what they were used to in middle school.
Paisley Peterson said one of the hardest things this year was “Staying on top of all of my schoolwork while also being in multiple sports all year. Peterson shared that one of her tips for your first year is, “One of the most important things you need to know is don’t get into drama and stay to yourself.”
It is very easy to get behind in work so that’s why it’s very important to get your work done when it’s first assigned. Once you get into the habit of completing the work you assigned as soon as possible it’s easier to stay on top of it. Another thing is, once you’re behind on work it’s so easy for it to just keep piling up so stay on top of it while you can.
Gabriel Lemmons also stated that, “One of the hardest things for me this year was staying on top of my work as a student athlete.”
Being in sports is very fun to experience but a lot of people forget throughout the season that it’s still important to focus on schoolwork. Winning that game is important but studying for that big test is also just as important. Once you become a student athlete you also have to find the balance of performing well in school while also still doing your best at your sport.
Norah Miller who is also a freshman said, “The assignments got a little harder compared to middle school.” She also shared that the hardest class for her this year was, “Definitely math. Bullock’s class is also a little hard but it’s not that bad.”
Andrea Flores said the hardest part about freshman year was, “Doing all the assignments.” Flores also said, “The hardest class is math but if you pay attention and don’t have any missing assignments it will be easier.”
For many freshman the work was definitely the hardest part of their first year. Whether it’s juggling sports and homework or just homework in general, it’s something that many freshman struggle with. Although it’s hard at first, once you find the balance and get on a schedule your freshman year will be a breeze and you’ll be able to focus more on the fun parts!