The celebration of Easter Sunday as well as Easter Monday originates all the way back to the 2nd century. The word Easter is actually of German descent from the word Ostern, which currently has no origin. Some do believe that the name Easter originates from the goddess of spring and fertility, Eostre. As well as Christmas, Easter has been celebrated as the resurrection of Jesus Christ because that’s when he was meant to be resurrected.
Despite its significance as a Christian holy day, many of the traditions celebrated on Easter actually come from Pagan celebrations, particularly the goddess Eostre and the Jewish holiday of Passover. Easter also has some roots with the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. In western Christianity, the period prior to Easter holds special significance. The period of fasting and penitence is called Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days. The Sunday that immediately follows prior to Easter is called Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus arriving in Jerusalem and the people leaving Palm Leaves along the floor to greet him.
Many traditions such as Easter egg hunting and Easter baskets originate in Germany, even though there is some speculation that the tradition dates back all the way to the 16th century from a protestant reformer named Martin Luther. He had organized egg hunts for his congregation. The men would hide the eggs and the women and children would try and find them. This had been a nod to the story of resurrection, in which a woman found an empty tomb. Modern day Easter egg hunts have grown more popular but this popularity began in the late 19th century and early 20th century in England. Easter had moved away from being a primary religion and communal celebration, to a more family-home centered one as well as focusing on the happiness of children.
Easter, like a lot of holidays, has come a long way from what it was. This modern day Easter is set upon the happiness of children and adults alike as well as family and home life. As the early Easter holiday was a religion and had certain rules that had to be abided. Easter is a time of the year to commemorate spring and happiness for everyone.