Recently, we began a once-in-four-year program for the school known as Every 15 Minutes, a PSA about Drunk Driving that takes itself more seriously than many people did. The big thing I tend to write are opinions. If you have followed my little journalistic doings, here’s what I want to address about the entire thing.
First off, the general setup of the display. My dad had told me about the entire program a few years in advance, but I still thought it would be more discrete. A sort of accident that would have “occured” the night before. Having it occur the same day sounds a bit ridiculous. Though I guess it’d be hard to hide the evidence. The entire show serves its purpose to make people uncomfortable with the sight of a car crash. But this is where my complaints begin.
The biggest issue I had were the people watching. Specifically, the undergrads, sophomore and below. They treated this as a joke, laughing and talking through it. My solution would probably be a 2 year system, where it’s available to solely Juniors and Seniors. Any class younger is more likely to be immature.
The Funeral/showcase of events was up to standard. The underclassmen at least behaved, which is a plus. The entire showcase was super dark and moody as it should be, and hearing the families sound so heartbroken really hurt. The story of the prisoner also was a really sad tale, especially when she revealed it was her who was the story do-er. I’m surprised she didn’t break down retelling the tale. But alas, minus the watchers, I’d say this gets the point across and helps support the fact that you should, by all means, NEVER drink and drive.