I have spent four years publishing stories for the Paw now. From the horrors of COVID onward’`s, I have written stories for this class and this online newsletter for the entirety of my Highschool time. Yet, sadly, as I graduate, my stories and influence in this school’s newsletter are drawing to a close. I just want to take this story to write about my thoughts and feelings about my time for this newsletter.
Being a pretty new face without being at school, all I did was try to write my stories from home. But oddly enough, I brought up the idea of writing an opinion to Bland, and slowly over time became an opinion piece for the Paw’s writing articles. I’ve enjoyed writing for many reasons, from simple opinions to articles for both the paw and the demands of English classes. I personally find good writing a sign that someone is good with their words, but also good with stating their point and opinion.
I never thought I would be known for anything besides my random talking antics in classes, yet somehow, I’ve heard praise and even a compliment from passersby’s about my stories. Even a lunch lady knew and read my tales, which also makes me feel pretty proud. Biggest of all, I have heard my stories even ended up in the town newspaper itself! This probably caught me the most off guard as I never thought I would feature in the town newspaper for what I wrote as an assignment, opinion driven article. But somehow, some of my best works are those which ended up in the Newspaper.
If I have one hope for the Journalism of Hughson High, it’s that somebody, anybody at all, can be inspired by my writings and decide to maybe do their own too. It doesn’t take a lot to make an opinion article after all. But until then, it’s been a pleasure to write for you, reader. Matthew Richardson and his last story for the PAW, signing off and hoping somebody will be able to discover the same success I did.