When in school the first thing that comes to your mind is friends. What are you guys gonna be doing today? Anything fun? Anything new? But what determines if friends are fun to be around and how do you maintain friendships?
The first thing to look for is similarities between you and your group of friends, or how similar you guys are to each other. Which is a big part in how you will fit in with each other and how you will share ideas about the same thing. Having similarities also shows that you are like each other in some ways.
Another big thing that makes people determine good friends is communication. Communication would play a big part in how you keep and find good friends. Another reason why it’s important is because you can tell how each other feels and what they’re going though. Communication is important as Alessandra Lazaro said, “communication big when it comes to friends.¨
The last thing is how the act towards you or other people. This is the biggest thing you can look out for, as it shows what they’re really showing and what they want you to do as well. People who don’t care for you and only want something out of you are not the best people to be around. People should care for who you are and not who you pretend to be, so if someone only wants to get something from you or out of you get out of there; it is not a good place to be in.