Something big around any school and every kid experiences at one point is stress. Stress is a very big thing that anyone can experience at any time in their life. But the major kind of stress is school stress. Many people have had stress about school work. Making sure all your assignments are turned in and done without a rush is a major part of stress. Stress could be caused by lots of things around school. Some things are making sure your assignments are turned in, friends, or just trying to get your grades up.
There are many things that could cause stress and one of the main parts is school. School can cause a lot of stress within the students. One of those being school work which causes the most stress. As school continues to go on, more and more work gets assigned to students, stress levels start to rise. And it’s different for every kid and student. Stacy Ramos, a Freshman student said “It’s hard to keep up with the work and sometimes I stay up doing a bunch of homework.” This is one of the ways that stress can affect someone. Making them stay up for long periods of time due to stress could affect their sleep schedule and health.
Another part of stress is the stress in classes. Some classes can be harder than others which could give stress. Maybe it could be the teacher, or their lots of work for the class which could also be part of it. Or just keeping up with anything that happens in class. Amaneet Thandi says “Some classes are harder than others like Bullock’s class. It’s harder to keep up with his work then most of the other classes.” Other classes compared to some are harder depending on the person, which happens to everyone. Even though classes may not be hard for some people, other classes can cause stress to others.
Another way is trying to keep up with the expectation of keeping all A’s or a 4.0. This could really affect their health and their stress levels as they continue to feel the pressure of having to pass tests and keep consistent grades. Leanne Lopez says “I think the most stressful part is keeping up with work and having a 4.0.” As more work is handed out there is more chances of your grades going down which could cause stress if trying to obtain a 4.0.
After all these things there are still many other things that can cause stress throughout the school. Even though stress is bad, it will be over soon and it will turn out fine in the end. If stressing out about school just take a break and relax for a bit making sure you’re talking some break between your school work. Stress will not always be there, it will go away after you relax and figure out how to do and continue with your school work.