On Saturday, January 25th, the annual Hughson High School Winter Formal took place. The doors opened for students at 7:30 p.m. and the dance ended at 10:00 p.m. This year’s theme was Beauty and the Beast.
At first glance, there was a table set up that welcomed the guests and checked them in. As we walked further into the gym lobby, we saw “Gaston’s Tavern” which was a decoration put up that surrounded the snacks and drinks. Every detail matched the theme, including the backdrops that were used for photo opportunities. Inside the gym itself, there was a portrait of Beauty and the Beast, along with more backdrops. Lights danced on the walls inside of the gym, and it truly added to the overall atmosphere.
This dance gave people a chance to make new memories with their friends. Everyone had their own favorite moments, but most would say theirs was the time spent with their friends. A senior who attended the dance, Emma Holly, said, “I’d say the highlight of my night was singing “unwritten” with my group of friends and being able to experience my last winter formal with them.” This dance provided people with an experience they will never forget. The DJ of the dance played music that the students could really get down to.
The event made everyone feel included. It was not only for the HHS students attending, but also people outside of Hughson. One of Hughson High’s students’, Aubrey Johnson, invited her boyfriend who no longer attends the same school. She said, “The highlight of my night was being able to spend the night with my friends and boyfriend.” The winter formal allowed students outside of Hughson to attend and enjoy their time with fellow friends and family. This gave everyone the chance to come together and spend a memorable night with one another.
Even though many staff and students enjoyed the dance, there were several things people thought could be improved when compared to prior dances. A fellow student, Alicia Soto, attended the dance and showed her concern stating, “The dance could have been more enjoyable if they added different activities to do.” At the dance, the only opportunities provided for students to enjoy themselves were snack bars with photo backdrops and the dance floor in the gymnasium. Students being allowed the chance to enjoy themselves in other ways could allow for more unforgettable memories to be shared and made.
Another student, Amy Alvarado, that attended the dance said, “The experience would be better if there were some seating areas and maybe more treats.” Her statement applied to many, as the only seating areas provided were for staff monitoring the dance, adding areas for students to rest would lead to more enjoyable experiences. Snack bars only contained minimal treats for students to enjoy, so a larger variety would have improved the experience. Although there were a few select aspects that could use some improvement for the future, the dance was a general success.
Our overall experience as seniors was amazing. We are glad we took our opportunity to go, as it was our last chance to experience the Winter Formal. We made a lot of memories together with our friends, and that is what was most important to us. The food was adequate, and there was quality music, but it can not match up to the time spent with friends. We would not trade our moments together for anything, because as seniors, we do not have much of it left. We have no regrets. We thank the students and staff for these events put on by our school that bring us closer together.