After the incident at the church, we registered at the motel for a room. Mom went out to buy some more antibiotics for my eye and I took a shower because I hadn’t taken a shower in days. After taking a shower, I called Jacob and told him that I’m in town and apparently Jacob is the one who brought Jessica, our mom, here. He wrote to her P.O box and it was from the letter we got at Grandma’s house. Jacob said he couldn’t talk right now and told us to meet up on the hill above the church below the billboard.
When Mom came back with the antibiotics, we had a long talk about why she bailed on us when I was 7 years old and Jordan when he was at least one year old. She said she wanted to contact us so many times after she left us and she said the reason she left was because she wanted a fresh start on life and she didn’t think she was fit to be a mother. I was angry with her because all it took for her to talk to us again was when Dad died.
She told me that she was sorry for everything and that she can redeem herself by helping me get Jordan out of that cult, or whatever it is. I decided to forgive her. She helped me change my bandage and gave me medicine for my eye and as a present she got me an eyepatch. Tomorrow afternoon is when we meet Jacob under the billboard. I hope we can convince Jordan to come with us; I’m not leaving this place without him.