Entering high school gives you hundreds of opportunities. In all aspects of life, academics, athletics, social, etc. It widens your horizons and vision of your future. One major opportunity is access to play for sporting teams or clubs. Athletics help mental & physical health, as well as helping people practice with social situations. Not all of it is positive though, some environments can be toxic, there is always a bit of stress of mental or physical strain. Overworking athletes are somewhat common in sports. When they take their sport and treat it as life, it is very easy to get carried away. Sometimes, this can be a challenge for a yearly three-sport athlete like myself.
When I began high school, my intention was to play sports to get in and later stay in shape. I joined my first sport, Cross Country, and I met people who made me believe in myself. I ended the fall season with a strong mind and the thought that I could make it far if I keep this up for the rest of my high school years. During that time, I also heard that if a student participates in three sports all four years, they could obtain the twelve sport award, which means that they have a lifetime pass to the school’s sports games. I am still unsure if this is completely true, but it inspired me to try even more.
In the winter season, I tried out and made the Soccer team. During my time with the team, the coaches I met helped lead me in the right direction, and they also intrigued my interest in the sport by introducing new opportunities. I moved on from soccer with my mind set, I want to keep playing these sports with the intention of being the best I can.
Spring came around, and one of the Track & Field coaches happened to be the Cross Country Coach. He introduced me to track, saying that it will keep me in shape and help me get faster for Cross Country. Of course I joined the team, not only for the benefit of my fitness, but the social aspect of the program was the first of its kind for me. I was able to race against some friends from other schools, and it felt like it was one sport where it was me vs. me. The other two sports were team based. In track, it was you vs. your times.
If all of that was too long for you to read, I will sum it up. Right now, fitness, friends, opportunities, and awards all influence me to keep playing three sports every season. Every athlete has their own reason for participating. Most of the time, it comes down to each program. If the coaches aren’t good, I wouldn’t partake in it. The same goes for the other athletes. If they aren’t creating an environment that helps bring each other up and to their best, then I won’t be there.
Currently, I am in my third year of participating in Hughson High’s athletic programs. I still believe that I will take part in the same three sports. The programs are all great in my opinion, and I don’t see myself completing high school without them. They drive me to improve and do better, not just athletically, but academically as well.