Next day, we meet up with Jacob under the billboard and he tells us more about this Reverend, Elizabeth. She was apparently kicked out of her previous church and they knew she was crazy. Me, Jacob, and Mom team up to get Jordan back from that Reverend and Jacob also wants my help with his sister and apparently it was the little girl I met outside earlier when I arrived at the church. She’s sick and Elizabeth won’t take her to a doctor. Jacob wants my help to search the Reverend’s home for his sister’s medical record. I agreed to help him out with this. We waited until service was over and walked over to her house behind the church and searched for his sister’s medical record.
We searched the house for a while but we finally found the medical record. Apparently, Jacobs sister has tuberculosis and we had to get her to a doctor as soon as possible. But, first we had to get Jordan out of here. We go inside to church to convince Jordan to come back to us. When I see Jordan using his power as an experiment or something.
I told the Reverend to let Jordan go now. She refuses to let him go and Jordan wants to stay and I tell him that “she is tricking you man. She doesn’t care about you, The only thing she cares about is your power.” He keeps saying he’ll stay.
The Reverend’s henchmen comes in and threatens to kill me if I don’t leave. I demanded to have Jordan back and they wouldn’t listen so this guy beat me up. He beat me up within an inch of my life and Jordan used his powers to save me and said he was sorry for what happened and that I thought this was a good home. Mom and Jordan carry me to the car and we drive away from all this nonsense. I was fully prepared to die back there for my brother just to get him to see that they are not his family. He said he was sorry for everything and I forgave him and told him to not worry about it. After all the challenges and hardships of the world, we finally got each other back and now all we need to do is figure out how we are going to get to Mexico.