When balloting for classes, teachers and administration always tell you to challenge yourself and take Honors or AP classes. Advanced Placement classes offer challenging, college like courses, which in turn gives the students partaking a GPA boost. This is as long as they are doing well, of course.
Usually, the maximum grade point average a student could receive is a 4.0, but AP classes can boost it further. For instance, if a student was really intelligent and set on challenging themselves, and their school offered all AP classes for all four years, theoretically they could have a 5.0 GPA if they maintain all A’s. This is not accurate though, since most high school requirement classes are not AP, and in some schools, you can’t take AP classes until your Junior year. Nevertheless, you still get a GPA boost and a closer chance of being valedictorian of your class if you do take these classes.
Students really appreciate these Advanced placement classes that are offered. Adrian Andrade, a senior and student who takes AP classes, stated, “AP classes have helped benefit me by pushing myself to a higher level than I would be in a standard class, and they also help my GPA as they give me a grade boost.”
Caleb Rytting, another senior and partaker in advanced placement courses, said, “AP classes have benefited me in many ways. First, it has helped me build my transcript and make me more competitive for the colleges I want to attend. Second, It helps me push myself and learn more about whatever subject I’m taking. Finally, it is super helpful to learn in an environment with other students that care about their future. When taking normal, non-AP classes, it is sometimes hard to learn when you are surrounded by unmotivated students.”
Students are prepared for college courses when participating in the AP program, and they are able to be surrounded by those who are completely committed to this endeavor like themselves. This environment creates an easier transition from high school to college. With all of these benefits, AP classes can form a positive outlook for all students.