This thriller follows a girl named Nora Davis, she remembers that since she was young the basement door always was shut and locked and anytime she even looked at the door too long or attempted to open it her mom would get really upset with her over it. Nora was always just told that it was her dad’s workshop and he was making things with wood like benches, tables, and chairs but she never saw any of what he made. Till she found out why it was locked. Her father was a serial killer. He mostly targeted younger girls who were pale with brown hair and blue eyes. So now her father is in prison, and she’s a surgeon, and her childhood affects how she lives now. Her dad used to send her letters every week but now she’s finding them by her backdoor in the house with no stamp or address. Weird things just continue to happen.
I really liked this book! I started reading Daydream by Hannah Grace and I read it in less than a day and I was still in the mood to read so I started this and finished it that same day as well! I really enjoyed it, and I didn’t wanna stop reading it for anything! I started it only to take a break for dinner then I was right back into the book. I would say this is probably one of my top two favorite Fredia books out of the six that I have read.