After the tearful goodbye at the hideout, I started to drive to the border and it was a bit of a long ride. It’s around over 50 miles. My brother was upset that we had to leave and I tried to cheer him up, saying that we can start fresh and not worry about the cops since no one has jurisdiction crossing the border. I doubt they would chase after us if we crossed it. Jordan worries that he might not fit in in Mexico since he doesn’t speak Spanish, so I offered to teach him after this whole thing is over.
We avoided the main road to avert any possible attention. We approach the border from a side that is discreet. We managed to make it. All we have to do is to get to the other side of the wall. I asked Jordan to use his power to clear a path. Jordan was struggling a little bit because of how strong and tall the wall is but he managed to make a hole big enough for us to drive through. When out of nowhere, Someone shot my brother in the arm and he fell to the ground. I rush towards him and make sure my brother is okay. It turns out that it was civilians helping out with border patrol. They rush toward me, hit me with the side of their gun and put me face first in the dirt.
They thought we were illegals. I hear sirens coming towards us and these people put blindfolds over my head. It sounded like the cops were shocked by their actions and arrested the civilians. One of the cops removed the blindfold from my head and I can see the cop carrying Jordan to safety. The cops recognized me and arrested me, then threw me in jail while Jordan was getting help from nurses in the infirmary at the police station. I had cellmates who were trying to escape Mexico. Their names are Carla and Diego. They were a couple expecting their first child. I soon realized that we were placed next to the people who shot Jordan.
Later, a cop came in and wanted to question me about the events in Seattle and all the other events we participated in. The cop said, “So you killed that police officer in Seattle, you assaulted a gas station clerk, you were seen in a robbery of a store in Monterey, and that church in Nevada was seen burned to the ground. One of those things you can get away with, but not all that.” He was making me feel like the scum of the Earth because of things I didn’t do and things I do just to survive. I told him, “It wasn’t my fault. All I did was try to survive and protect my brother. That was it.” Then I heard what sounded like an earthquake, the cop was about to open the door to investigate and the door got blown open by Jordan and knocked the cop out. He was okay and it turned out that the bullet barely grazed him. We grab our stuff from the armory, steal a cops car, hotwire it and make our escape; we go full speed to the border and hope we can make it.