Picking classes and getting put into classes you’d wanna take; Ballots are the most important and most essential thing in picking and choosing your classes for next year. Choosing classes with friends and having fun are also some of the times held just by filling in ballots.
Ballots to the school are a piece of paper that has lists of classes written on it. Ballots show which classes you are able to take and how much credits they give you. As you pick there are different ways that you can fill it out. Pathways are a very good and fun way to go down as for electives or AG classes. Once completed with these pathways, you will earn a sash which goes on your graduation gown.
As pathways are important there are also honors classes. Honors classes are challenging and can be really helpful throughout the school year. By doing honors classes you are getting prepared for AP classes which are an even harder and more challenging class for some subjects. As you complete these classes your grade average can go above a 4.0 which is great.
Ballots are very important and could help you succeed with your classes. Make sure to complete some pathways or take some honors classes as well. Challenge yourself and do great in these classes cause you will be rewarded. And by challenging your limits it tests you on how much you can take and you could even learn more things about yourself and your skills.