Joel Bernard also known as Mr .Bernard or Bernard has been teaching for twenty seven years. Mr. Bernard was not inspired by someone to become a teacher, he just needed a job. Bernard’s favorite lessons to teach are materials that most directly relate to exercise physiology. Bernard quotes “Since many students play sports, they are usually very interested when we learn about how their bodies adapt to the training their coaches are giving them”. Mr. Bernard loves teaching and coaching here at Hughson High. If Bernard didn’t teach or coach he would have loved to “Find an outlet for my competitive juices”. Bernard’s goal for his students by the end of the school year is to “learn how to learn”. Mr. Bernard adapts his teaching skills for students who have special needs by using manipulatives and scaffolding.
Mr. Bernard mostly never has to have classroom discipline. Mr. Bernard’s way to help students who are struggling is to schedule them for pack time, meet with them during breaks or passing periods, and provide extra time after school, during lunch, or in the mornings. Bernard’s way to handle stress is to keep himself always busy so he does not have to think about it. Mr. Bernard’s advice for someone who wants to become a teacher is to always provide your students with consistent help. Bernard’s favorite memory at this school was when Joe Lighthall won the State 800m title in 2023.