The Gorillaz came into existence in 1998, created by English musician/producer Damon Albarn and illustrator Jamie Hewlett. Originally the band was created as a commentary on overly-produced poop music acts. The illustrated band consists of brain-damaged Stuart “2D” Pot, the spirit-channeling psychic drummer Russel Hops, martial arts master and guitar virtuoso Noodle, and bassiest Murdoc Niccals, who in the lore of the band sold his soul to the devil to be a successful musician. In between fighting zombies, evading pirates, tracking shape shifters, and escaping from prison, the band has released eight studio albums.
The main idea for Albarn to continue to make songs and albums for the Gorillaz was for entertainment, until their Demon Days album. 9/11 had darkened the tone of the world. Terriorism had grown to never seen numbers as high as they were, conflict and fear had become a part of people’s everyday life again, paired with the rapid growth of the internet which only made things spread faster, true or not. They were the Demon Days. This however for the very political Albarn was an opening for him to speak of what was going on in the world with his sons, therefore on the 11th of may 2005, Demon Days were released.
“Feel Good Inc.” the album’s first single, Albarn wanted De La Soul to rap on one of the songs on the album. Posdunos wanted to rap over their other song, “Kids With Guns,” the other two, Dave and Maseo, were looking at the first demo of, “Feel Good Inc.” The song addressed a society that is brainwashed into a mindset of blissful ignorance, a predicament that drives 2D insane. “Feel Good Inc.”, is a 21st Century representation of the dangers of consumerism.
Albarn’s, “Dirty Harry,” narrated from the perspective of a soldier, paired with the San Fernando Valley Youth Chorus, Phercye’s Bootie Brown raps, ‘The war is over, so said the speaker with a flight suit on,” which is a direct reference to George W Bush who a couple months prior to Demon Days’ release, stood on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, in a flight suit, announcing that, “in battle of Iraq, the United States and or allies have prevailed.” However, unlike what he said, the war was not over, in fact the majority of victims came after his statement.
“November Has Come,” likely is addressing what took place the November before Demon Days’ 2005 release. The re-election of the man who was responsible for the never ending chaos that surrounded Albarn’s life, the song was joined by MF DOOM, an artist that like Albarn and his fictional band hid behind a mask.
This has been a short overview of the Demon Day’s by the Gorillaz. This album is a good one, however if you don’t like the darker tones I don’t recommend you listen to it, but if you can handle the tones I recommend, I genuinely love this album.