Happiness is a deeply personal multifaceted experience that trancedes simple definitions. Happiness is often described as a feeling that senses joy, fulfillment, and purpose. It’s not the absence of negative emotions but the feeling of being present with a positive feeling and a sense of satisfaction with life. True happiness can be shown through many different purposes in life but it’s linked to living a life that aligns with one’s values and passion. Happiness can come from a connection we build with others, the things we have accomplished in life and the moments of gratitude we experience. Happiness can help create a way to live a life in a positive way. You can view negative things and have a positive outlook. With happiness it creates a life that can be easier. You take the negative mindset and all the bad out and fill it with things you have accomplished in life and friends and people you have made along the way of difficult times. Ultimately, happiness is a journey rather than a destination. It involves growth and the pursuit of what truly matters to us. Finding happiness and joy in the present moment helps create a lasting sense of happiness that enriches our lives and shapes who we are.
Finley Wells said, “Happiness is different for everyone I believe but it usually comes from a mix of things someone likes or feels. Someone’s true happiness can be so different from someone else but there’s main sources for everyone. Feeling good can be different for everyone, same with experiencing joy and positive emotions. I think happiness has to do with doing activities you love and find interesting. Another huge part of happiness for me comes from relationships, having good friends who make you happiest is so important, same with strong family connections. I feel like living a life that has meaning and direction is also important doing what is for your well-being and having goals in life. Basically, I think happiness is about what makes you feel good and fulfilled in life whether that’s a person, a place, and activity.”
Sophia Sanchez said, “To me happiness stems from what your morals lie on. I believe the only way you can truly feel happiness is being around the things that make you happy. My happiness comes from friends, family, music, reading, pets, shopping, and sleeping.”
Adisyn Powers said, “The true meaning of happiness to me is the genuine feeling of joy that you feel deep in your heart. Happiness is an expression that you feel when doing something you enjoy or being around people that make you feel good.”
Olivia Boggan said, “True meaning of happiness is having a best friend to enjoy life with.”
Max Mankins said, “True meaning of happiness is being able to be content with what your life holds and the path you take.”
Alessandra Astorga said, “I think it’s something you can think about and you don’t have regret about it, like when you think of something you look forward to it’s the action of wanting to continue to do the action of happiness.”
Lawson Aviles said, “The true meaning of happiness is being happy no matter how you live your life and how your life is, and always taking the positives out of anything.”