Track is a very fun and competitive running sport almost like cross country. Lots of people enjoy this sport as it’s one of the biggest throughout the year. Many people love this sport while others see this sport as pain, and having to work a lot to improve. But that’s how it works in every sport. As Esmeralda Gonzalez said “The hardest thing about track is trying to PR.” PR’ing is your personal record which could improve and how you stride to pass it and make a new one.
There are lots of hard working athletes that strive to pass and continue to do better every meet. This could lead to more fun while traveling with friends and competing against others. As Esmeralda also said “The best thing is when we go to other schools for meets.” While having the home advantage at our track, it’s still always fun to run at different tracks. Competing everywhere and around schools in the area is a great way to prove yourself to others and you could even place, taking home a medal.
Lots of people join track for different reasons. Some want to strive to get better, some think it’s easy until they actually do it, and some just enjoy it which is always great. Whatever the reason is in how you came to track their all on the same team now. Esmerelda says “I joined track because I wanted to do a sport and I just did throwing. But I also did it in middle school.” Joining track and field opens countless opportunities to learn and improve on your key skills that could help you achieve your full potential.
Don’t miss out on opportunities that allow you to improve on things you’d like to do. Lots of people have to start somewhere. So don’t give up and try different spots cause track may be one that catches your eye.