Senior Feature Winners Chosen

Brian Osterhout

songs also performed for best of the best

Leonel Ruiz, Staff Writer

Seniors voted this last week for the students from their senior class that they felt most embodied the characteristics of each senior category listed below.  The winners of the senior features will be photographed and presented in the 2020 yearbook.

Category Boys Girls
Masters of Arts Lucas Smith Leslie Ochoa
Most Unique David Brussow Megan Rohn
Most Athletic Clayton Dowdy Kali Gose
Class Clown Caleb Thornhill Aatilah Watkins
Most Spirited Damian Barrios Emma Tomlinson
Most Clumsy Kyle Kroeker Alondra Ochoa
Best Smile Joseph Powers Amanda Dampier
Most Outgoing Seth Tacheira Rylie Aguiar
Most Talented Brian Hill Emily Hanson
Academic Achiever Michael Morrett Madi Keo