Meet Hughson High’s New Librarian, Mrs. Sanchez

Mrs. Sanchez is the new librarian at Hughson High School.

Mya Guel, Staff Reporter

Hughson High has a new librarian. Mrs. Sanchez accepted the job at Hughson High School and started this August . According to Mrs. Sanchez, “When I received the email that I was being moved from Ross Middle School to Hughson High School, I was a little apprehensive and I had mixed emotions about the move. On one hand I really loved being at Ross and enjoyed working with the staff and students. I was very settled there and felt like Ross was my work home. On the other hand, I am always up for new challenges and moving to HHS sounded like an exciting new experience for me.”

Before coming to Hughson High School Mrs. Sanchez spent the past three years working at Ross Middle school. “I enjoyed the staff and students at Ross, and being the place where students came for help and or advice. I also enjoyed the many conversations I had with Staff members and students” she said. 

Mrs. Sanchez was asked to come to Hughson High School shortly after the last librarian, Mrs. Short,  had retired. She says that she enjoys working at Hughson High School so far, she really enjoys helping all the different grade levels. Her favorite part about her job is helping the students. “Honestly being a young adult is tough! I remember when I was in high school, stuck between being an adult yet still technically a kid. Trying to figure out who you are, who you want to be and how to get there. The pressure, stress and trying to find your place at times can be overwhelming for students. If I can make a difference in a students day, and maybe make them smile, or help them workout an issue they are having; whether it be school related or a personal struggle, I feel I had purpose that day. I had a handful of adults when I was young that impacted my life in such a positive way. Some were coaches, some were teachers and school staff members. Being able to impact a students life in a positive way is why I love working with students.”

Because of distance learning she is unable to help students like she was before. Mrs. Sanchez said that her favorite part of being a librarian is helping the students. 

“The thing that has changed for me due to Covid is the lack of library traffic. I still get students in the library for tech issues and checkouts for classes, however I don’t have students just hanging out in the library like I am used to. I don’t get to have as many conversations with the students which is one of the best things about my job.” Mrs. Sanchez misses having that face to face interactions with the students and she misses being able to have conversations with them. Working at a new school is difficult because there is a lot to organize and there is also the fact that she wanted to make her office feel like her own. “I have a lot of plans for the HHS library. Some are in the works right now. I plan to update the Career Center and turn it into a Media/Collaboration room, with a green screen and projector for shooting videos and doing presentations. As for the main library I hope to create a Coffee Shop/ Bookstore vibe. I want to update the book circulation and create a hang out place for students. I know this is a big change and may take some time to complete, but that is my ultimate goal”.