Hughson High Adjusts to a New Schedule

Rebecca Ramirez is a freshman at Hughson High School.

Alexis Sotelo, Staff Reporter

As we all know this school year is all about change for example distance learning or learning from home. But for the last month Hughson High School students and teachers have been working with a new bell schedule along with an additional period. 

Freshman student Rebecca Ramirez says that her first day with the new schedule “wasn’t the best; it  was honestly confusing”. She also said that she preferred the old schedule. As for the additional 8th period she stated “I don’t go to the other classes so it has no advantage for me.” When asked if  her 8th period helped her with her assignments she said “no it hasn’t, I get bored in 8th period to be honest”

On the other hand Spanish 1,2, & 3 teacher and HLYC advisor Señora Newsome said she “loved the first day of the new schedule because I come to school early every day, I was ready!”  When it comes to the 8th period she claimed “I think I feel better starting at 8:15 and having the  8th-period Connectivity period”.  Mrs. Newsome says that there is nothing that she dislikes about the new schedule. She also revealed that 8th period “helps me a lot! I am able to connect with my students and as they get their work done! I am also able to take late work at this time!”

The first day with the new schedule for Mr. Govett, who teaches English 9,10,10H, ELD and sports P.E., in his words, “it was okay. The starting at 8:15 was a little rough because I had gotten so used to the 9:30 start time for class.” Mr. Govett also revealed that he likes the old schedule better but he understands why we needed the new schedule, he also said “I think it’s too early in the game to make a judgment about 8th period. It has a ton of potential and the intentions for it are good”