Husky in the Hot Seat: Mr. Kroll

Mya Guel: What made you want to become a teacher?

Mr. Kroll:  I didn’t grow up thinking I wanted to be a teacher and throughout high school I thought I wanted to be a park ranger because of my love of the outdoors.  A little research into that job let me know that there was very little money in that and the park service could send you anywhere they wanted.  The dream of being a park ranger in Yosemite seemed like a long shot.  While taking courses at MJC I had a history professor that was just the most interesting story teller.  I knew at that moment that I wanted to be a history teacher like him.  The rest is history; graduated from MJC, then Stanislaus State.

Mya Guel: What made you want to be a teacher at Hughson High School?

Mr. Kroll:  I had taught junior high history for 20 years at Ross  and was looking for a new challenge for myself.  IT was also a unique opportunity to get the same group of students for a 3rd year; I taught them in 7th, 8th, and now 10th.  This was too great of an opportunity to pass up.

Mya Guel: What is one place you’ve always wanted to travel to and why?

Mr. Kroll:  I have spent the last 20 years teaching about the splendid locations in Europe’s history but yet I have never been there.  My goal is to someday be able to take my wife to Europe and experience history in person.  I am especially interested in visiting World War II locations

Mya Guel: What was your favorite subject growing up?

Mr. Kroll:  I would be lying if I said history was always my favorite subject; I would have to say science was my favorite.