Husky in the Hot Seat: Ms. Glavich

Sophia Sanchez, Staff Writer

Sophia Sanchez: What’s your name and What do you teach?

Ms. Glavich: My name is Gabrielle Glavich and I teach English 9 and English 10.

 Sophia Sanchez: A little bit about you?

Ms. Glavich: I’m an SF Giants fan, I love to cook, and I have a dog (a Husky)!

 Sophia Sanchez: How long have you taught at Hughson High?

Ms. Glavich: This is my first year!

Sophia Sanchez: Was your plan after High School, always to become a Teacher?

Ms. Glavich: Yes; I decided I wanted to become a teacher during my Senior Year of High School.

Sophia Sanchez: Who is someone who has positively impacted your life?

Ms. Glavich: My grandmother is my biggest role model. She had a huge heart and did whatever she could to help others. I try to be like her!

Sophia Sanchez: What is your favorite part about your job?

Ms. Glavich: My favorite part of my job is getting to know my students, and planning lessons that I think will work best for them.

 Sophia Sanchez: What do you love most about this school’s staff and students?

Ms. Glavich: I love how involved our school is with the community, and how nearly everyone (staff and students) has a chance to get to know each other. My high school was not like that at all!

 Sophia Sanchez: If you could tell your students anything and hope it sticks and helps them, what would it be?

Ms. Glavich: It’s okay to have bad days, but don’t let it stop you from trying to be the best person you can be. 

Sophia Sanchez: One of your favorite quotes?

Ms. Glavich: “Never let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game.”