Huskies Get Pumped Up for Hoco Football

Jalei Nhothsiri, Staff Writer

This year Hughson’s homecoming game was against Livingston on Friday, Sep 23, 2022. In Hughson, we are proud of all of our sports, especially our football teams and taking homecoming seriously. But let’s confirm this by getting some opinions from some of our Hughson supporters and players. How do they feel about our homecoming game and team this year? Was there anything shocking? How was their overall experience?  What events occurred? 


“I think we will win, I’m confident,” Megan Duke, a Hughson freshman cheerleader, stated. I come to every game because it’s mandatory but I enjoy it because I get to hangout with my friends,” Duke explained. “It feels amazing to be a part of a small town tradition.”


It seems thus far our town is confident in our football players abilities. But of course there are some surprises and concerns. Let’s hear from someone who usually comes out to support these kids.


Gray Grant, a teacher at Emillie J Ross and Hughson supporter said, “I like coming out to see my former students and enjoying the game, I’m pretty confident we will win, they are up by 13 and we beat Escalon last week, I was surprised that they struggled a bit in the first quarter but they made a come back and started winning,” Grant described. 


But some are just entirely confident with no doubts and expect nothing but the best. Not to mention to come out and just have a fun time at Hughson’s football games with our town.


“I expect full Hughson domination,” Marcus Riggs, a teacher at Emillie J Ross and Hughson supporter claimed. Riggs got into detail, “I enjoy coming out to games to see former students and enjoy moments like now, I come out to games for an amazing win and good company. It’s good to just see everyone out enjoying the town.” 


It’s great to see and hear everyone was enjoying the game but how do the players of the game feel? Were there worries or concerns? How do they personally feel about the game?


We heard some of Elijah Wilbanks, a freshman on Hughson’s JV team thoughts, “I am confident in mine and my team’s ability to win, I feel great to be involved.” Wilbanks continued, “I do feel some nerves because it’s homecoming.”


Now that we know how everyone feels, what are some events that occurred? Who won homecoming and who was grand marshal? Who crowned our new royalty this year?


“This year the 2010 Hughson’s queen, Jenna Silva, and 1885 Hughson’s queen, Tess Camagna, crowned the homecoming court,” Karalee Ruelas informed.


Tegan Lawler, Hughson’s freshman princess, carried on, “They were crowned during JV and Varsity halftime shows. “For freshman, me and Cesar Colon won for homecoming, Peyton Avila and Isayah Lobue won for the sophomore princess and prince, Anthony Villarreal and Natalie Wholer for junior homecoming prince and princess, and our senior queen and king were Linsey Shears and David Burciago,” Lawler listed. 


“The grand marshal was our janitor, J Dean, this year and he was crowned at our homecoming football game,” Averi Bridges confirmed.


Lastly we can’t forget the biggest and most important question yet of this homecoming game, who won this homecoming football game? Livingston or Hughson High? What was the final score? 


This year, Hughson’s JV team won with the final score of 40-0 and Varsity won with the score of 41-14. It’s great to see all of our supporters’ claims were true! Go Huskies!