HHS Teachers Talk Science

Jaelee Calk, Staff Writer

Have you ever been curious about science? The structure of science along with its functions? The formalities when it comes to science, and what people may think about it? If you are curious, then I’d continue reading because there’s been information gathered amongst science teachers and their voices about the subject. 

Joel Bernard, a science teacher at HHS, stated, “  [science] allows students to be curious and figure out how things work,” then it leads to his dislikes about science, “It takes a lot of energy to teach it well.”

Bernard added, “People need to have a basic understanding of science to understand the world around them.  When they don’t have basic knowledge, they are susceptible to falling for all kinds of nonsense…..the earth really is round!”

When it comes to the perspective of science, it really can be unique. The way science is all formed along with theories whether they’re informative or bleak. Each idea being formed into one and the explanations for anything scientific can really be interesting. There is so much about science that it can be mind blowing or even overwhelming.

Bernard conveys that, “[science] is one of the only topics we teach in school where it’s ok to say we don’t know the answer, or that we’re still working on an answer.”

Bernard claims, “It is difficult to balance lessons that encourage curiosity and creativity with the subject matter that demands that they actually know some facts too!”

What really is entertaining about science? “The field is constantly evolving,” Bernard replies, then describes science as, “fun and informative.”

Now, the knowledge of science must be important, right? Science is involved with so many things, and he believes that, “Yes.  As stated above, without it, you’re likely to be the dolt that falls for some kind of crazy misinformation…..5g won’t give you Covid-19.”

Bernard states that, “People often try to misrepresent scientific information in order to make their point sound better,” and for the best thing about science for him is, “It’s the best defense we have against many of  the problems that crop up in our world.”

As for Kourtney Christianson, another science teacher at HHS, who shares her likes and dislikes, says firstly, “I love that there is always something new to learn in the natural world. I think getting a deeper understanding of life’s natural process is something we often take for granted,” and for her dislikes, “When any math is involved.” 

When it comes to her thoughts on science overall, she says, “I think science is so much fun!”, Christianson stated, “The whole concept of science surrounds natural phenomena.”

Her difficulties when it comes to science are math, she adds, “I love teaching science. I always have been so interested in the subject and the things that happen naturally in our world.” 

The entertainment of science, and the enjoyment of it for her is, “I think the most entertaining thing about science is in labs we often have many different outcomes in the same lab and it makes you stay on your toes.” and for Christianson’s description for science, she notes, “In one word I would describe science as, EXCITING”

The importance of science is significant in a way because it gives you whatever knowledge you need to know, and is crucial to society, and she thinks, “I think science is so important. It guides and leads to so many important things in our education and lives.”

For Christianson, the worst thing about science is, “I think sometimes the unknown can be the worst part of science, but also leads to excitement. I think it can be confusing on the forefront, oftentimes.” Then she says that “The best thing about science is how much there is to learn and how you can connect almost everything to yourself personally.”

Alberto Rodriguez, another science teacher at HHS, asserts his opinion of science and the things he likes and dislikes. He states that he likes, “How applicable it is to understanding our physical reality.” moving on towards his dislikes he said, “How dry the content can sometimes be.”

His thoughts about science generally are, “I love science.” and to him, what makes science unique is, “How hands-on the subject is to learning and understanding its concepts.” Rodriquez states that he finds the labs entertaining.

His description for science is, “Science is an all-encompassing subject.  To be great at science you need to have a solid foundation in the core subjects (Math, Reading, Writing, etc…)” and he believes that having knowledge of science is important. Rodriquez remarks, “It helps you make sense of things in life and provides a framework from which to make educated decisions.”

In conclusion, the worst thing about science for him is that, “When you get into the details of concepts, science can get difficult to understand. But once you understand or make sense of the concept it becomes easy again.” And the best thing for him is, “ The best thing about science is that it pushes students to think and learn in different ways.”