History of the Modesto Nuts Team and Stadium

Emily Saarloos, Staff Writer

The Modesto Nuts baseball team formed in 1946 as the home team for Modesto, California. They have since become a popular way for families in the area to come together and watch a good game. The home stadium of the Nut’s is John Thurman Field. There are many interesting facts about the Nuts involving the players, the stadium, and the history. 

The Modesto Nuts players train year round to be in good shape for baseball season. They take their job very seriously considering the pay is on average 3.5 million dollars a year. They travel the state playing other California teams. The team’s biggest rival is the San Jose Giants.

The stadium was built in 1955 and can hold up to 4,000 people. They have famous hot dogs at their concession stand which are very popular among fans. The original name of the field was Del Webb field and was renamed in 1983. The stadium has had to go through about 3 million dollars worth of renovations over the years to keep it up to California league standards.

One notable event that occurred at the stadium in 2007 was when Randy Johnson, famous baseball player, made an appearance at the stadium. Randy played for the Arizona Diamondbacks. His showing up drew about 5,000 people more than the stadium could hold. 

The name Modesto Nuts wasn’t official until 2005 before that they were called the Modesto Athletics. The Modesto Nuts name came from the fact that the Modesto area is big in agriculture and produces a lot of almonds along with other nuts.