Husky in the Hot Seat: Angela Bridgman

Yasmin Duran Ortiz, Staff Writer

Yasmin: How old are you?

Angela: I’m 17 years old.

Yasmin What grade are you in?

Angela: I’m in 12th grade.

Yasmin: What do you plan on doing after you graduate this year?

Angela: I plan on taking a gap year and then going to college.

Yasmin: What is your favorite memory that you’ve made in high school.

Angela: Riding scooters around the school with my friends.

Yasmin: What is something that has happened in your life that brought you to the realization of what life is really about?

Angela: Losing my dad and realizing that life is very short.

Yasmin: What will you miss the most about high school?

Angela: I’m going to miss having my friends around and the free lunch.

Yasmin: What is one piece of advice that you have for high schoolers as a senior?

Angela: Enjoy high school while it lasts because it goes by very quickly.