Sometimes you have that one person who defies all logic. Somebody who can somehow run multiple things all at the same time. Working like a PC without a break. And doing several dozen things as they do so. It’s amazing how much people can do all at once. Yet there is only so much you can do without being able. So, what is good for tasking on the multiple?
When it comes to a multi-tasker, it’s all about how and if. How you can simultaneously run both tasks, and if they are possible when paired together. This doesn’t apply to everything. But there is an application. Sometimes with chores and games, you can do multiple things at once to smooth over the process of something.
There is unfortunately a weakness of people doing tasks however. Human minds have a limit on how much they can think of at one time, though it varies from peer to peer. Many people can only handle one simple thing at once. A good example of this is typing an essay and watching a youtube video. Watching videos can sometimes demand your attention to adjust it to ensure you are watching what you wanna see. All while trying to write your essay and comprehending what you are watching.
What it boils down to is to not overdo what you know you are capable of doing. Don’t jump the gun and try to balance twelve thousand different things all at once. A healthy balance for work can really make the difference for your assignments.