Kindness and empathy are very important in the world because they make the world a better place. When we treat others with kindness, we make a difference in the world where people feel appreciated and truly heard. Empathy lets everyone step in someone else’s shoes, so that they can truthfully comprehend their emotions and what they are going through. When some people focus on empathy, they create stronger relationships and make pathways of comprehension between other people. Kindness and empathy also have a great impact on people’s health and happiness. When people show kindness to others, it not only shows happiness in their lives, but it also elevates their souls. When people show acts of kindness they feel really good about themselves, they feel like they made a difference in someone else’s lives or made someone else’s day be much better than how it was, which makes them feel proud about themselves for showing acts of kindness towards others. Moreover, empathy lets people develop a profound feeling of compassion and comprehension with others, which results in a powerful relationship with each other and a bigger feeling of accomplishment in everybody’s lives.
The Importance of Kindness and Empathy
Leslie Acosta, Staff writer
February 23, 2024
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About the Contributors
Leslie Acosta, Staff Writer
Leslie Acosta is a junior at Hughson High school. She is 16 years old. She's from Turlock, California. In her free time she likes watching movies, playing soccer with her brother and listening to music. Her favorite sport to play is soccer. After High School, she plans on going to college and becoming a fashion designer. She also loves watching soccer games, and her favorite soccer player is Messi. She loves to travel to different parts of Mexico during the summer or the holidays.
Keaton Grogan, Camera Crew
Keaton Grogan is a 17 year old senior and was born in Modesto but was raised in Hughson. He has attended Hughson schools his whole life. He is also involved in FFA. He has been involved in FFA since he was a freshmen. He also likes showing pigs at the county fair. Some of his hobbies are hanging out with his friends and fishing with his father. He also likes going on late night runs to dutch bros with his friends and also likes going cliff jumping.