Love is a universal feeling that is portrayed in many ways by different people. Sometimes love can cause happiness and sometimes it can cause pain. Love brings people together and a shared by friends and family. Love can bring people together, but also tear people apart. Love isn’t just an action. It’s a feeling deep down in your heart. Sometimes people can feel love for multiple people at the same time and not know how to show their love to the right person. for many love, it’s the reason they wake up in the morning. For some, it can have such a deeper meaning not only does it have to be felt in a romantic way, but love can be shown through many friendships.
Grace Brazil says, “love to me is super important because it shows my friends and my family. How much I care about them. My friends in my family are the reason I keep living so love is really important to me.”
Finley Wells said love is important to me because it doesn’t only mean you’re feeling for a significant other, but it can be for your friends too.
Max Mankins: “Love means to love unconditionally for a person.”
Johnathan Ruiz said, “love means someone that appreciates you for who you are, for everything you have done for them and everything that you have done for yourself.”