Q&A with Soccer Player: Isaac Mendez
December 18, 2018
Isaac Mendez, soccer interview with Alex Pearson.
Alex Pearson: How did you get into soccer?
Isaac Mendez: It is the only sport I decided to play.
Alex Pearson: Who is your role model in soccer?
Isaac Mendez: Keisuke Honda
Alex Pearson: What are some things to expect while playing soccer?
Isaac Mendez: Improve myself physically
Alex Pearson: When did you start playing soccer?
Isaac Mendez: When I was eight.
Alex Pearson: What do you struggle with in soccer?
Isaac Mendez: Communication with my teammates
Alex Pearson: Will you try out for soccer next year?
Isaac Mendez: Yeah, definitely.
Alex Pearson: What do you do to get ready for a game?
Isaac Mendez: Warm myself up.
Alex Pearson: Do you have someone that has really helped you out for soccer?
Isaac Mendez: Yahir Hernandez
Alex Pearson: What is something that motivates you to do good in soccer?
Isaac Mendez: A scholarship, and to improve myself.
Alex Pearson: Are you planning on doing soccer after High School?
Isaac Mendez: Yeah, I am going to do soccer afterwards.