Q & A with Basketball Player Kenzie Langley
February 8, 2019

Fredy Castaneda: What got you into the sport basketball?
Kenzie Langley: In middle school, my friends played so I wanted to do it also
Fredy Castaneda: How long have you been playing
Kenzie Langley: 6 years
Fredy Castaneda: Do you see this being something you do in the future
Kenzie Langley: I hope so, maybe in college or for fun ( At Chico or Stan )
Fredy Castaneda: What age did you start playing?
Kenzie Langley: I started practicing at 8 years old and playing in games at 12
Fredy Castaneda: What is the best thing about playing the sport?
Kenzie Langley: The teammates and the girls I play with
Fredy Castaneda: What is a Challenge you face within playing basketball?
Kenzie Langley: Trying not to get frustrated with myself
Fredy Castaneda: What is your favorite memory playing basketball?
Kenzie Langley: Going back to back undefeated champs
Fredy Castaneda: What is your meal prep before the game?
Kenzie Langley: I eat 2 mangoes before the game.
Fredy Castaneda: What is your warmup song that you play every time?
Kenzie Langley: Crank that by Soulja Boy
Fredy Castaneda: Is there anything else you would like to add to this interview?
Kenzie Langley: I would like to thank the program and Tim [the coach] for four great years. I am really going to miss the school and playing the game.