Helen’s Help


Helen Husky, Staff Writer

Dear Helen,

I am really struggling in school right now, especially with math and English. I have asked for help from my teachers because I just don’t understand the material. I need to make sure my grades stay up in order to be eligible for prom that is just a few weeks away.  Do you have any suggestions to keep my grades up so I can continue to do the school activities I love?

Struggling to get to Prom


Dear Struggling,

To make sure your grades stay up, I would suggest going to tutoring. English tutoring is held in room 3  on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4 pm. Math tutoring is held in room 51 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7:25-7:55 am and Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 pm.  If those times do not fit into your schedule, keep talking to your teachers about what else you can do to keep your grade up. You can ask if they offer extra credit or you can go into class early and explain that you need more help.  Make sure that you do not have any missing assignments either as this can be one of the biggest reasons students do poorly.



Helen Husky