Key Club Shows Possible Futures

Xavier Pabon, Staff Writer

On Friday, May 3rd, 2019, Hughson High School Key Club hosted its annual Career Day. On this day, several people from different job backgrounds came to Hughson High School to present information about their job pathways and demonstrate what it is their job entails. Some examples of these job backgrounds included: Anthropologists,  Police Officers, Military Field Medics, Agricultural Careers, and the American Red Cross, totaling over 55 careers.


“The event was tons of fun, I am very happy I came. The students were interesting and I look forward to coming back again,” said anthropologist and career day presenter Susan Kerr.


The day was formatted so that every grade level was able to attend during a class period and spend an hour checking out all of the stalls. This way, the career day wouldn’t become so crowded it impeded their ability to meet and speak with each of the presenters. The senior class began the event by attending first period, juniors attended second, sophomores attended third, and freshmen attended during fourth period.


Upon entry to the old gym, students were handed small Career Day packets created by Key club, with each page needing to be filled out with information from four separate career choices. This way, it encouraged students to go out and learn about careers they might not have completely understood nor even known about. Within these packets, there were several different questions about what it takes to succeed in each given career.


“It’s really cool! You get stuff from the booths and meet interesting people,” stated Jacob Hanson, a freshmen student who attended Career Day.