HHS’s Mary Poppins Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
February 4, 2020
Hughson High School’s drama department wowed audiences February 4th with a “practically perfect in every way” performance of Mary Poppins. The play, performed by fifth-period drama, served as a reward for Renaissance’s January perfect attendance students as well as Renaissance 4.0+ GPA students.
Over the past couple of months, preparing for the Mary Poppins play has been time-consuming for the students enrolled in the drama class, but students agreed it was so much fun for everyone involved.
“Although the play is time-consuming, bonding with other students, making new friends, and the singing and dancing makes the play a blast,” explained senior cast member Riley Scheuber.
The choreography crew, Emily Hanson and Jaime Boggs played a significant role in the play’s development when it came to teaching the dances to the class and getting everyone in the class to participate. The songs and dancing were very enjoyable and throughout the play, the audience never grew bored due to the fact that there were different dances and songs happening at all times.
“Choreographing all those fun songs with Emily and then watching them come to life on stage was amazing,” said sophomore Jamie Boggs. “All of the cast did great.”
The stage was host to a constant flux of dancers wearing mile-wide smiles and clothing from the time period of the story. The choreography was executed with plenty of energy, which, paired with the star-quality of the actors and actresses, kept the crowd in a state of full engagement and excitement. The lighting and scenes changed, but the performers’ talent never dwindled.
“The two casts, both 5th and 4th period, have done an outstanding job of preparing. One of the things we worked on really hard over the years is not waiting to get ready, but getting ready and waiting because in life opportunities go to those who are prepared,” said drama teacher Brad Thompson. “Both casts have done a marvelous job of preparing and having lines memorized, having their parts learned so that we can go into the performance prepared.”
If you would like to attend the show, fifth-period performs Thursday, February 6th, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. in Hughson High Theaters and fourth-period performs Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. in Hughson High Theaters.
5th Period Stars of the Show
Bert: Logan Applegate
George Banks: Brighton Price
Winifred Banks: Emily Olsen
Michael Banks: Jacob Hanson
Jane Banks: Maryssa Beck
Katie Nana: Olivia Kee
Mrs. Brill: Megan Rohn
Robertson Ay: Jonathon Olsen
Mary Poppins: Riley Scheuber
Neleus: Brian Hill
Statues: Tyler Lewis, Joseph Powers
Bird Woman: Kaela Horton
Miss Smythe: Kyla Martinez
Chairman: Carson Hatch
Von Hussler: Eliot Kee
John Northbrook: Christian Aguiar
Mrs. Corry: Emily Hanson
Miss Andrew: Emma Hartman
Vagrants, Buskers, and Passersby:
Kite Flyers: Jamie Boggs, Miguel Perez, Madison Threet
Policeman: Xavier Pabon
Chimney Sweeps 1-4: Lyle Padilla, Ezekiel Davis, Madison Brown, Alexis Smalling
Chimney Sweeps: Alexis Ahumada, Emmanuel Alvarado, Marijane Lopez, Noemy Martinez, Olivia Kee
Clerks and Customers: Olivia Collins
Messenger: Anastasia Earnest
Park Strollers: Mariah Earnest, Isabella Holmes, Alyssa Costilla, George Crayton, Jonathan Vasquez, Victor Cortes
Honeybees: Gisela Aguilera, Stephania Castillo, Emely Herrera, Jamie Boggs, Mariah Earnest, Isabella Holmes. Madison Jasso, Alexis Ahumada, Marijane Lopez, Noemy Martinez, Olivia Kee, Madison Threet
4th Period Stars of the Show
Bert: Anthony Woods
George Banks: David Brussow
Winifred Banks: Melissa Araiza
Michael Banks: Gilbert LoBue
Jane Banks: Anna Michelle Brown
Katie Nanna: Layla Wetenkamp
Mrs. Brill: Susan (Tori) Kelley
Robertson Ay: Luis Yup
Mary Poppins: Bella Mountain
Neleus: Garret Hicks
Statues: Owen Gauthier, Caleb Young
Bird Woman: Jenais Estrada
Miss Smythe: Abianna Solorzano
Chairman: William Wetenkamp
Von Hussler: Leonardo Rivera
John Northbrook: Zachary Centeno
Mrs. Corry: Samantha Holloway
Miss Andrew: Camille Haupt
Kite Flyers, Chimney Sweeps, Clerks, Customers, Park Strollers, Vagrants, Buskers, and Passersby: Leonardo Rivera, William Wetenkamp, Emilee Watson, Bailey Veuve, Sophia Alvarado, Celeste Crawford, Elizabeth Garza, Anahi Macedo, Jordan Mendes, Valerie Richardson, Hailey Shuayto, Owen Gauthier, Caleb Young, Luis Yup, Zachary Centeno, Samantha Holloway, Layla Wetenkamp, Abianna Solorzano, Mackenzie Gilbride, Morgan Babbitt, Elizabeth Johannes, Aolanie Rivera
Policeman: Gavin Villarreal
Chimney Sweeps 1-4: Mackenzie Gilbride, Morgan Babbitt, Elizabeth Johannes, Aolanie Rivera
Messenger: Elena Alcala
Honeybees: Bailey Veuve, Emilee Watson