Opinion- 2020-2021: Looking Back at this Weird Year


Matthew Richardson, Staff Reporter

Now that the school year is starting to draw to a close, I wanted to look back at the past school year and say; “Wow, this was unusual”. 

First, we had pure-online, seven periods. This schedule was a hassle. Dealing with seven classes in one day was surely a problematic situation. I wasn’t doing too well with the flood of assignments. Eventually I got used to it…
And then there was the first schedule change. It shifted things forward an hour and also shortened the day of school, and freed Wednesdays up. This schedule worked well for me, and I enjoyed it. I just kept working and I got through it successfully. At this point, I loved freedom on Wednesday. 

Now, to the present schedule change we are living with. I had to pay my respects for our lost half a weekend, and adapt to the new way of five days on, but varying classes. Overall, I am doing fine at the moment, and will carry on to the end of the school year.

If I had one word for describing this year, it would be Bizarre. One very crazy year with a rollercoaster of events that made for one wild ride. While Covid-19 made this year challenging, it still made this year.