Introducing Jamie Puga: A new addition to the HHS Staff


Alexis Sotelo, Staff Editor

As we all know this year Hughson High School was blessed with another member of the School Security. He’s name is Jamie Puga.

Before getting employed at Hughson High Jamie was an administrator for a group home. He was in charge of six underprivileged boys. Jamie says “ working at Hughson high school is a good transition”.  A plus for Jamie is the hours of working here, He is now able to spend more time with his 3-year-old daughter.

“I hope to deter the drug use and build relationships with the students here at Hughson High” Jamie strives to learn different techniques  about how to handle situations with students. Jamie’s advice for students is to enjoy High School because it flies by, and to think about your future because it comes quickly.

He says that working at HHS is very nostalgic and brings up a lot of good memories. Since Jamie used to go to High School here he now works with Teachers that he had in the past, Like Mr. Govett, Mrs. G(Coleman), Mrs. Brazil.  Jamie says he would have never imagined that he’d work at a school he went to but it was something he wanted to do in the future.