Students Voice Their Opinions as the School Year Begins


Angela Bridgman, Staff Editor

The 2022/2023 school year has officially begun. During the first week, Hughson’s ASB class hosted dress up days. The first week also had activities such as a welcome back rally introducing all the teachers, senior sunrise for the senior class, and also the annual kick off to the football season known as the Black and Gold Scrimmage that was held at the Hughson Huskies Stadium. The school year beginning also brings on mixed emotions but most are excited to be back. 

Some students are excited to be back but yet some are also not so happy about it. Cesar Perez, a senior at Hughson High says “I do not like the school year starting so much earlier because it felt like I barely had any time to do all the things I wanted, but the start of the school year has been great.” Cesar also said, “I am looking forward to the home football games and the start of wrestling season starting in November. Some goals for this school year are to get good grades and graduate.” Even if students aren’t happy to be back, there are still events that inspire them even if they don’t want to attend.

Some students have a different perspective about coming back to school. On the other hand, Emily Flora, also a senior at Hughson High says “I am feeling pretty good about the school year so far. I feel like last year was a bit rough and now everyone, for the most part, is done with all of that and just wants to make this school year amazing!” Emily also says, “I’m personally looking forward to the football games on Fridays since I am one of the conductors and this year we have made some changes I can’t wait to see come to life! I really just want to make this the best and most fun year yet and that everyone can just enjoy everything that Hughson High has to offer!” When there are activities and events taking place, it makes students want to attend school more because there is something to look forward to. 

The principal even had stuff to say about the school year beginning. Mr. Lighthall said, “It’s been a great start to the school year just because it’s normal with no mask, no social distancing, and that kind of stuff.” Lighthall also added “For freshman, I would say to be involved and an involved student is a successful student, If you’re just coming to school to learn algebra its not going to be any fun but if you’re coming to play a sport, to be involved in FFA, play an instrument, to be in a club, you’re just gonna have a lot more fun and want to be here and successful. For the seniors I would say to maintain their grades, maintain their relationships, and just follow the process like meeting all the requirements, applying for colleges, applying for financial aid, and doing all the things that will set them up for success.” When you are involved in school activities, it can make school more fun!

With the school year beginning and sports starting, students are becoming more excited for the school year. Football games, activities, and even being a commander for one of the events are also something that brings students to school. When they have something to look forward to then it makes them want to attend. While attending school, remember that there’s always something in the end to look forward to!