Late Start vs Early Release: Staff and Student Opinions

Lesly Avila-Rodriguez, Staff Writer

With every day having a new schedule to manage, many have expressed the difficulty of sometimes not having free time to accomplish tasks that they have on a daily basis, or just not having enough free time in general. With new start times in California, our late start schedule has been changed to 9:30 start time. For some, late start is a chance to sleep in for an extra hour or accomplish some extra tasks.

“I love late start because I have first period prep and we have a meeting in the morning and I have an hour to get ready for my students,” expressed Mr. Bland, a teacher at Hughson High. 

Mrs.Brazil, another teacher at Hughson High mentions that she enjoys working out 3 times a week and late start is her favorite time to work out. 

For some students, like Lena Decker, a sophomore at Hughson High, expresses that, “My morning routine never changes, my mom has to be at work by 8 so I don’t get the extra hour.” 

What if we had an early release instead of a late start? Several students and teachers agree on one thing, early release would be beneficial. Mrs. Jones, the Physical Education teacher at Hughson High, believes that early release would be beneficial for teachers to organize and prepare for the next day and also have more quality time with family. 

As for students, many believe that early release would give them more opportunity to get homework done and also get more free time. Several students and teachers believe that early release would make their lives easier to manage.