Halloween For the Teenagers at HHS

Adisyn Powers, Staff Writer

As kids get older and start maturing, their interests change. The Hughson Paw did a survey on Huskies about what they partake in on Halloween. Eighteen students were surveyed on the question “Would you rather spend your Halloween at a party or out trick or treating/walking around with friends?”. Eleven out of eighteen students choose to go out trick or treating, that leaves 7 students who would all rather go to a party. 

All students who were surveyed were in the grades ninth through twelfth. Majority of the younger grades chose to go trick or treating for different reasons. As we surveyed older grades we found more answers of rather wanting to go to a party than walk around. 

Julia Daniels, a freshman who would rather trick or treat, said “I like to trick or treat because I like getting exercise from walking around, getting lots of candy and getting dressed up with my friends.” 

Sophomore, Grace Leedom, preferred to go out to a party. She stated, “Going to a party would be more fun than just going trick or treating. Because I feel like you can get more involved with the people and your friends plus trick or treating is more like for younger people.” 

The surveys pulled proved that with more maturity and older age students’ interest will change.