College: Pursue Sports or Set Them Aside?


Presley Wells and Sophia Sanchez

What would you choose, going to college for sports or chillin’ with your dad at work? Many people don’t love the sports they do so they don’t put in the effort or time to make it in college. But there are some people that have the love for sports and want to go far with it in college. The number of people that make it in college sports are a little over 7% so about (1 in 13).

Robert McDaniel wants to go to college for sports. He stated, “I want to go to USC because it is local and I want to play baseball.”

Bryce McDaniel said, “I want to go to college and get a scholarship for football and baseball. But if I don’t go to college for sports I would go for Ag like livestock that would be Oklahoma state.”

Max Mankins said, “After high school I want to go to a 4 year for sports right away.”

Alexander Villarreal stated, “I want to be an NFL player or a physical therapist.”

Dominic Aguiar said, “I want to go to trade school to pursue an agricultural industry. If i can do sports i would want to go to JC and pursue sports there and then do something else after.”

Samuel Caulkins stated, “I wanna get my basic schooling done at MJC and then from there hopefully become a firefighter or something. If I have the opportunity to play sports I would definitely take that opportunity but if not then I am all good.”

Garret Ecker said, “I want to go to MJC and work with my dad.”

Navi Arretche remarked, “I would go to college for sports because I like them and would like to go for whatever college I get an offer from.”

Maddie Duron stated, “I want to go to MJC first for school so I might pursue basketball or volleyball there. But who knows, it is kinda up in the air.”

Jessie Duron commented, “My plans are to go to MJC and play basketball and get my general education done.”

Ashtin Brazil stated, “I want to attend MJC and become a psychologist and put sports aside.”