HHS Music and Arts Teachers Express Their Opinions on the Classes


Jaelee Calk, Staff Writer

When it comes to people’s perspective of art, there are so many opinions being formulated. Everyone is capable of having different feelings and I find that so interesting. Some of us may think art is boring, but others may be able to find beauty in art. 

For example, Katye Maki, a music teacher who has been teaching for 12 years, states, “The visual and performing arts are so important to us as a human species; through art, we can express our feelings, thoughts, ideas and stories.”

Afterwards, Maki expresses that, “I love that performing works of musical art can unify a group of people to express the same message, feeling or story – it is something that unifies and brings people together.”

When it comes to certain interests about art, Maki says, “When an artist produces a work, whether it is a visual art, or a musical work, they usually are expressing a unique point of view; I think it is very interesting that when this art is shared with others, it can take on a multitude of interpretations by those that appreciate the work of art.”

Feelings intertwine with us generally, and feelings can be everywhere especially feelings that are structured from things we enjoy. “Art makes me feel a lot of different things, and it really depends on the work of art and artist. For example, some music makes me feel like I want to dance, other music might make me feel like crying – it really depends on the art itself,” Maki claims. 

If you could describe art itself, how would you describe it? “Art is a means of expressing the human experience,” Maki believes. 

There may be many challenges amongst art, and Maki states, “Art can challenge us in many different ways. First, it takes years to master an art form, whether it be music, visual art, poetry, creative writing, etc. Second, sometimes works of art challenge our own perspectives and implicit biases when appreciating works representing diverse artists.”

The importance of art might not be acknowledged by some people, yet Maki mentions, “Yes – art is important for all of us. I don’t want to imagine a world without art.”

Moving on to Jack Bland, a photography teacher who has taught for 16 years, Firstly, Bland gives his thoughts about art, he states, “I believe Art, visual or performing, can be a powerful subject for high school students. Art teachers offer students an opportunity to have a creative outlet. Also, art can be very therapeutic, either creating art or just viewing art.”

Bland later on explains what he likes about art, “I love the fact that every person sees things in a different way. Everyone has a unique personal vision of themselves and the world around them. I love how art makes us think and how art examines subjects in ways people usually don’t think of as.”

Whether art gives you a minor feeling or a strong one, Bland states, “It usually inspires me or challenges my beliefs about the world around me.” After that, Bland shares the reason to teach art, “I wanted to share my passion for photography with students.”

Bland says, “I do not like how pretentious the art world can be,” when it comes to anything he dislikes about art.

Bland describes art as, “A unique human expression.”

Is art important? “I think art is very important and I also believe that it is unfortunate how undervalued art is in our society,” Bland expresses.