Movie Review: The Proposal


Natalie Velasco and Gisselle Rodriguez

Have you ever wondered what genre of movies are most watched during the month of February? Romantic comedies are widely popular to watch especially during February. The Proposal is a hilariously funny rom-com movie watched continuously by viewers all over the world.

The Proposal is an American romantic comedy that was released June 19, 2009. It was directed by Anne Fletcher and written by Peter Chiarelli. This movie stars Sandra Bullock who plays the character Margaret Tate who is an editor in chief of a book publishing company. She recently learns that her visa has expired and she is now faced with deportation back to Canada. 

She threatens her assistant Andrew Paxton played by Ryan Reynolds to marry her and in return, she would promote him to editor and publish his book. Mr. Gilbertson from the immigration department, schedules an interview with Margaret and Andrew and is extremely suspicious of them. Forced to go with Andrew to his parents house in Sitka, Alaska, Margaret starts to become close with Andrew and his family. They convince them to get married there and she slowly falls for him. This caused her to reveal the truth during the wedding ceremony to Andrew’s family and friends because she could not bring herself to ruin his life. She returns to New York alone and packs all of her things to go back to Canada. Andrew’s family gets him to realize that she wouldn’t have told the truth unless she loved him and to go declare his love for her. While cleaning out her office she was told that she had 24 hours to go back to Canada, Margaret was approached by Andrew and they both admitted their love for one another and got engaged for real.

This movie is extremely popular and would definitely be a great movie to watch if you are into funny and cheesy movies. It is also a great recommendation if you are a fan of Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, both are famously talented actors.