National Heart Month


Jalei Nhothsiri, Staff Reporter

Did you know National Heart Health month is celebrated each year in February? Each year, we want to make and spread awareness about our hearts. It’s important to understand or know the risks of heart diseases and ways to live a heart-healthy life! Most importantly this is to practice our overall self-care! 

First off we need to learn the importance of our heart! Why should we care? Why should we worry about taking care of it? Well first off, our heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout our body, it sends oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body along with carrying away unwanted waste products. Which you can see are all clear important functions humans need! Not to mention, this month helps us value our heart, spread love, and brings everyone together for a good cause.

 But unfortunately, there are those who undergo heart diseases which are known as cardiovascular diseases. It’s hard to understand these diseases, but this is what this whole month is for! To spread awareness to this issue! So how can we keep our heart in the best condition and lower risks?

For one, improve your health habits! It all starts with your diet, try your best to eat healthy. It’s best to stay away from sugar, fat, and salt. A poor diet has been linked to heart disease. As a matter of a fact, food choices have been linked to more than two thirds of heart disease related deaths. It was estimated that six million deaths could’ve been avoided through a better diet.

To add, it’s best to get active and stay at a healthy weight. This helps keep your blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels normal. Therefore, lowering your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. In addition, stop smoking or stay away from second hand smoke in order to stay healthy. Most of those with lung disease undergo heart attacks. So drop all unhealthy habits, such as drinking and smoking!

Lastly, make sure to manage your stress. You may be wondering how stress affects your heart? Stress can increase inflammation in your body, leading to high blood pressure. This can lead to a risk of a heart attack and stroke. So make sure to manage your stress by taking time to unwind, take breaks, talk to others, and take care of yourself.

To sum it all up, take care of yourself! By having a healthy diet, staying active, dropping bad habits, and managing your stress. Live a heart healthy life! Spread awareness to your family and friends. Look out for those you care for and yourself included. Make yourself a priority by putting our hearts at the top of our self-care list and lower all the risks. Inspire those around you as well! Happy National Heart Healthy Month!